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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Both funny and sad

I picked this book up randomly when it came into the library. The title totally captured how I was feeling about my job at the moment so I knew I had to read it. It was my first time every reading Dilbert comics and I was a little surprised by how much I enjoyed them.

I Sense a Coldness to Your Mentoring by Scott Adams
A collection of Dilbert comics

It's both painful and funny to admit how much I can relate to these comics. It seems like no matter what your job might be, it doesn't fail that you'll be surrounded by idiots, incompetent people, and assholes. And 9 times out of 10, they are your boss. I guess it's better to laugh about these things. Otherwise, you're likely to die from a heart attack or something. This is why I drink a glass or three of wine after work, keeps me healthy.

If I happen to come across any more Dilbert books, I'll definitely be reading them.

 I Sense a Coldness to Your Mentoring

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