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Thursday, November 13, 2014

A children's classic

Entertainment Weekly composed a list of the greatest children books ever. It groups them together by age and this is the first book for 3-5 years old.

Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans
The first book in the beloved Madeline series

It always surprises me when I realize that I have never read something that is considered a classic. Obviously, I know about Madeline. I owned the VHS copy of the movie version for years. It was my go to movie when I wanted a cute funny kids film. Now that I've read the original material, I can't help but feel underwhelmed. I know it was only a picture book, but I was still expecting to feel some nostalgia towards my inner child. But I got nothing. It's still a cute book and I could see myself reading this to a child and then popping in the tape to watch the movie. 

This is one of those rare cases when I'd rather watch the movie.


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