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Monday, December 22, 2014

All caught up

I have been a series fanatic over the past few weeks. I read a spin off book from a great YA sci-fi  series and read the second book of a long forgotten series that I started a while back. But now I'm caught up and am loving it.

Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout
An adult spin off novel from the Lux series

This was...alright. I mostly would have wanted an adult romance novel about Daemon and Kat. Those sex scenes would have been hot and amazing, just thinking about them is making me blush. But this was a good substitute for it. I really liked Hunter in the Lux series and was glad to get a story from his POV. The girl, I can;t even remember her name, was less entertaining. She bored and annoyed me. They waited too long for the smut portion of the novel. By then, I couldn't have cared less if they got it on. I knew they would end up together and work it all out, like any other romance novel. I'm not upset that this is their only story. I doubt I'd want to read it anyway.

The Unbound by Victoria Schwab
The second book in The Archived series

So I barely remember the first book but I do know that I really liked it. I was a bit excited to continue the story and I'm glad I did. Mackenzie is a great heroine for young readers to know about. She's strong, kickass, and doesn't give up. Her voice is whiny at some points but it's totally understandable why. Her nightmares keeps bleeding into real life. She's trying to deal with that, her feelings for the adorable Wesley, and The Archive being on her back. It's a lot of drama packed into a small book but the final action scene is rushed and over so quickly, I almost missed it. I felt like all the angst wasn't worth the finale. There's a possibility that a third book will be written for this series and I think it's necessary. Mackenzie has to carry on the revolution that Owen wanted to start. It'd make for a great third act twist for a trilogy. 

I'm reading about three books right now and don't know where to start. At least I'll have this Christmas weekend to read whichever one I want.

ObsessionThe Unbound (The Archived, #2)

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