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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Just fine

The cover caught my attention. It seemed like a cute graphic novel for younger kids. It's a bit more than that, gearing more towards young adults than younger children.

Cardboard by Doug TenNapel
A graphic novel about magic cardboard that comes to life

The best part about this book is the art. I mean, damn. I was forgetting to pay attention to the actual story because the drawings were much more entertaining than the words. That is not to say that the writing was bad. The story was great with real tender and heartbreaking moments between the characters. Cam's father is without a job and can't afford to buy his son a birthday present. A weird street merchant sells him some "magic" cardboard that comes to life when you create something out of it. Of course there has to be conflict and that comes in the form of the neighborhood bully named Marcus. This kid was a bit too psycho for my tastes but he was fun to read. I wasn't that big of a fan of the happy ending but I'm glad the world didn't get overrun by giant cardboard monsters. 


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