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Friday, January 9, 2015

Pleasantly surprised

Book clubs books are great. It's a chance to read something that you would have never picked up otherwise. It's even better when you actually like the book you're reading and it opens you up to a new author and desire to read different books. Hopefully this is just the beginning for me and Mr. Mosley.

Debbie Doesn't Do It Anymore by Walter Mosley
The story of a porn star trying to quit the adult industry

This is the first book I've ever read by Mosley and I'm glad it was. It's a straight forward character study that pulls you into Debbie's world. It's a nice change to read a novel that isn't fantasy based. I enjoyed this book a lot and I know I'll be reading more of Mosley's books, both fiction and fantasy, in the future. Debbie is a very relatable character, despite what she does. She's just a woman who feels lost and wants to find her way. I loved all the side characters except Rash. His connection with Debbie led to the lackluster ending. I didn't appreciate it at all. It felt forced and abrupt. Other than that, this is a great book and I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a new interesting protagonist.  

Shadow Kiss: The Graphic Novel by Richelle Mead
The third book in the graphic novel adaptation of the Vampire Academy series

This was just boring as hell. I rushed through it, only stopping to look at any pictures of Christian. He was the highlight of this story. These graphic novels fail to capture to feeling I had while reading the VA novels. It's a water downed version and the drawing isn't very good either. I totally understand why there's a hold to complete the fourth novel. With the story only getting better and more intense with each book, I'd hate to read these comics and feel underwhelmed yet again.  

Debbie Doesn't Do It Anymore: A NovelShadow Kiss: The Graphic Novel (Vampire Academy: The Graphic Novel, #3)

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