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Tuesday, March 31, 2015


I never really liked reading e-books. I have always preferred having a physical book in my hand, turning each page to reveal more of the story. Tapping a screen just never did it for me. But now that I have more books than I can handle, I've found solace in my Kindle. I know it makes no sense. If anything it gives me even more books to deal with. But I'm finding it easier to keep up with my reading when it's all in one place.

Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch
The first book of a new series, said to be Game of Thrones meets Graceling

Although I liked the book, I'm not going to read any more of this series. It started off a little weak but quickly gained momentum when Meira started to prove herself. The last third of the book completely turned me off though. She became so annoying. I couldn't even read it anymore. I was skipping page after page after page.

The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan
The first novel of the Kane Chronicles

THIS WAS SO GOOD. I just can't believe how amazing each of his series are. It's too much. The writing, the characters, the action...Be still my heart. I can't handle all this goodness. I want more. Once this series is over, I don't know what I'll do with myself.

To Stand in the Light by Kayla Bashe
A young adult novel about queer trans mentally ill superheroes 

I am so glad that I finished this book. I didn't read what it was about before I started so I was totally confused at first. But once Shadow and Bean come back to the city and the school, I had gotten my bearings. Their relationship was so cute and real. Bean was just the best. I definitely connected more with her than Shadow. They were great too though. They could easily have their own story with how deep their background was. All in all, this was a good quick read.

Snow Like Ashes (Snow Like Ashes, #1)The Red Pyramid (Kane Chronicles, #1)To Stand In The Light

Monday, March 23, 2015

Fantasy Land

The past few books that I've read have taken me away from the land the realism and firmly plopped me into crazy town. It makes me both want to escape to their fantasy world and stay firmly based in reality. Too bad for me, I didn't really have a choice and still have to deal with my ordinary life.

Saga Volume 4 by Brian K. Vaughan
The fourth book collecting issues 19-24 of the series

Will there ever be a bad book in this series? Seriously, I'm starting to get nervous that I'm going to be completely disappointed and devastated with the finale. I can't see it getting any better than this. But with each volume, it does. The last page...THAT LAST PAGE!!!! I can't even deal with it. I am too pumped for the next book. I need it right now.

Deadman Wonderland Vol. 1 By Jinsei Katoka
A boy must survive living in a dangerous prison after being framed for murder

I can't believe I have never heard of this series before. Here I am, thinking I've discovered something no one has read before and all the kids in the library tell me they've already read and watched the series. Well, damn. I'm always late to the party. But now that I've arrived, I'm having a blast. This is such a weird series, in a good way. I have no idea who the Red Man is, what he wants, or what's going to happen next. Hopefully I'll love this series as much as I do Attack on Titan.

Holy Cow by David Duchovny
A story about a cow named Elsie who discovers the dark fate that awaits her

This was so lackluster. There was no fire, no pull, no weight with the story. It felt like someone's rough draft of a short story. I did enjoy Elsie's relationship with the other cow, Mallory. But to have that be the highlight of this book is very disappointing. I'm sad to say that it feels like I wasted my time.

Saga, Volume 4 (Saga #19-24)Deadman Wonderland, Vol. 1Holy Cow: A Modern-Day Dairy Tale

Monday, March 16, 2015

Can do no wrong

I love it when I can totally depend on an author to deliver awesome work. I don't fear that I'll hate a book and wish I had never read it. It's always top quality. Rainbow Rowell is one of those authors for me.

Bound by Flames by Jeaniene Frost
The third novel of the Night Prince series

Oh, hey ridiculous looking vampire on the cover of a romance novel! Long time, no see. You're up to your same old bullshit, aren't you? It's okay though, since it looks "sexy". 

This book has a way of being both extremely entertaining and annoying. Frost writes good romance and her action/torture/ass-kicking scenes are great. But I still find myself irritated. Maybe it's Vlad's overprotective nature for Leila. Maybe it's Leila's lack of charisma. Either way, I always find these books lacking a little something. I'm still going to read the last book though. It won't hurt to read just a bit more.

Landline by Rainbow Rowell
A novel about a woman who gets a second chance in a weird way

Rainbow Rowell, I love you. You write amazing books and I hope you always will. There has never been a book of yours that I've flat out disliked. The closest I've come to feeling that way about your work was with Attachments, and I still liked that book. I didn't have that problem with Landline. I was captured from the very first page. The main character is the perfect blend of charisma and annoyance. Sometimes, I'm not too sure if I'm rooting for her or cheering for her breakdown. Either way, it's a great book to read. I can't wait to read more from you. 

Bound by Flames (Night Prince, #3)Landline

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Lion is ruined

With the good comes the bad. That is especially true for these two books. I read a somewhat lackluster finale to an amazing series and an okay children's book that every one else praised. Hopefully I'm in for better reading with my next book.

Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
The final book of the Grisha series

I am so conflicted about this. I loved the battle scenes and every page with the Darkling. But the ending? With Alina and Mal? I just wasn't into it. I was over them with the last book and didn't except to see so much of them together in this book. I think that the focus should have been on the Darkling more. He's just brilliant. I hated him but still kind of wanted Alina to save him from himself. I'm satisfied with the ending for him though. I didn't see it being any other way. I'm sad to be bringing this series to a close. I was hoping for a stronger finale but I still enjoyed it a lot. Everyone should give these books a chance.

The Lion & the Mouse by Jerry Pinkney
An award winning wordless retelling of an Aesop fable

Ummmm...there are no words in this book. I wasn't expecting that. I didn't really like the art either. But I'm sure this is a great book for children.

Ruin and Rising (The Grisha, #3)6534132

Monday, March 9, 2015

Graphic Novels Galore

I have really been on a graphic novel kick. I usually don't read them but I've been getting great recommendations and I've just been rolling with them. Now with this batch, only one was amazing but I won't let that stop me. There's just so much more to explore.

Hawkeye Vol. 3: L.A. Woman by Matt Fraction
The third book in the Marvel Hawkeye series with Kate Bishop as Hawkeye

The last two chapters were the saving grace of this book. I was not a big fan of Kate this time around. She mostly annoyed the hell out of me. Clint Barton was deeply missed.

Saga Vol. 3 by Brian K. Vaughan
The third installment of the Saga series

WHY IS THIS SERIES SO DAMN GOOD!? I need more, that's all I keep thinking. That I need more of this awesomeness in my life. We're jumping into the future with the next book and I can't fucking wait. Who will survive? Who will perish (hopefully Gwendolyn)? To be continued with Volume 4...

Sex Criminals Vol. 1: One Weird Trick
The first collection of a fantasy graphic novel that is known for it's sexual humor

I really wanted to like you. It's just not going to work out between us. You're interesting enough and your original concept is intriguing. But you failed to follow it through and you lost me halfway into the story. None of your characters were likable. Suzie and Jon are far too annoying to care about. I was mildly anticipating what would happen next but I'm going to call it a day for continued reading. I know the old cliche is it's not you, it's me. Though in this case, it's most definitely you.

Hawkeye, Vol. 3: L.A. WomanSaga, Volume 3 (Saga #13-18)Sex Criminals, Vol. 1: One Weird Trick

Friday, March 6, 2015

Snow Day

The library was closed yesterday due to inclement weather. In kid speak, IT WAS A SNOW DAY!. I love these as an adult because I can do so much with my free time. Like clean the house, wash clothes, and go outside and shovel the walkway for tomorrow. Just kidding, I CAN READ ALL DAY WITHOUT BEING INTERRUPTED. That's the best feeling in the world, reading with nothing else to do all day.

The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan
The final book of The Heroes of Olympus series

This is pretty consistent with all the other books of the series. But for the finale, the big shabang? I wanted and expected so much more. I didn't need those first 300 pages. WE ALL KNEW WHO WAS GOING TO DIE! There had been enough foreshadowing in previous books. You can't make me more upset about someone's inevitable doom than I already am. And then when we do arrive at the action scenes, it's over so quickly that I had to go back and reread some paragraphs to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Like, come on! After all this freaking build up, that's all you give me? I'm gonna need a little more than that, Rick. But despite all my bitching, I still loved the damn book. I love all the characters and were happy to see them prevail against Mother Earth. I would have loved an epilogue with the characters reuniting in the future though. Hopefully I'll get some sneaks of their lives in the new Norse gods series.

Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen
A children's picture book about a lion who loves the library

For a picture book, I was expecting more of a presence of the drawings to tell the story. But it's still a cute story for parents to read to their children. As a worker of the library, I approve :)

Ghost Camp by R.L. Stine
The 45th book of the Goosebumps series

The monster in the story was completely uncalled for. The story is about ghosts, that's enough for one small children's book. And that ending was so stupid. It made no sense for the ghosts to all disappear the way they did. With Alex getting the short end of the stick, I am not a happy camper.

The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus, #5)Library LionGhost Camp (Goosebumps, #45)

Monday, March 2, 2015

Back to my old ways

Three books in one day?! It must be magic...Or it's just that between the three, there was probably a total of 100 pages. Two of them were children books and one was a graphic novel. But a book is a book is a book. I don't discriminate.

Saga, Volume 2 by Brian K. Vaughan
The collection of books 7-12

This series is just brilliant. I absolutely love it. These cliff hangers are killing me though. It keeps ending right when I wanna keep reading lol. I need more!

The Mitten by Jan Brett
A classic children's tale

These classic children books are ridiculous lol. I just don't get it. But I'm sure to a 3 year old, the idea of cramming a bunch of random animals into a mitten is hilarious. 

Say Cheese and Die-Again! by R.L. Stine
The 44th book in the original Goosebumps series

This one kind of creeped me out a little bit. The idea of wasting away or gaining hundreds of pounds rapidly does not sit well with my very vivid imagination. The ending was just horrible. I can't think of what the camera will do to the whole class now. If only that butthole of a teacher had gotten is picture taken too.

Saga, Volume 2 (Saga #7-12)6496033Say Cheese and Die-Again! (Goosebumps, #44)