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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Reading Challenge 2016 # 7 and 8

I am way overdue on this post. July's challenge was read a book by an author that has your initials. The challenge for this month was read a book with a one word title. I have finally finished both of these. My friend who was completing the reading challenges with me has opted out of participating for any future blogs. He's super busy and is now reading for pleasure, which I wholeheartedly approve of. I encouraged him to start this with me as a means to get him to read more and that's what he's done. So I'm solo from now on with these literary tasks.

Terry Goodwin- TG

Wizard's First Rule (Sword of Truth, #1)After almost a month of reading this book, I'm finally finished. I don't regret choosing this book for my July challenge, I had hoped to finish it in time though. There was just an overabundance of world building and descriptions and entire chapters that didn't need to be included. The story kept dragging on and on to the point where I almost gave up and put it down altogether. I am glad I stuck with it and got that satisfying ending. But I won't be reading anymore from this series. One book is enough to last a lifetime.


Saga, Volume 6Most of the reviewers I follow called this book a filler to the series. And while it fits that definition to a tee, I still absolutely loved this book. The art of Hazel is so darn cute. She's the perfect protagonist and narrator. The story was building up to something more but I appreciated the slower pace. A lot happened in the last volume and a lot of my favorite characters died so I was glad to see happy reunions and no major deaths. The reveal of The Will made me a little sad though. He looked so different. And broken. And fat. It was disorienting. 
But Marko and Alana were on point in these chapters. They work best as characters when they are together. I wish I had seen more of their journey to finding their lost child. I love how they play off of each other. And Hazel gets on well with every person she shares a panel with. I had wanted to get the sappy, tearful hug between her and her mother but that thunder was stolen with a last minute plot twist. I hope it doesn't drag the story down now that the family is back together. Action is what I love about this series. I hope it only gets crazier from here.


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