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Wednesday, June 21, 2017


I have recently been listening to audio books, something I used to be adamantly against. But the app Overdrive has changed my tune. I can access it through my local library and download the audio right to my phone. That way, I'm not using data and can read while on the bus. I can't read regular hardbacks because I get car sick. This solves all of that. And this isn't sponsored. I just love that I know have a new way of enjoying books. 😤

Blanch Hates the Night by Sibylle Delacroix

Blanche Hates the NightThe art is nicely done but this book is a bit boring. Even though it's meant for children, I don't see a parent having a good time telling this story to their kids. I wish it were longer and dealt with imagination or having the parent come in and put Blanche to sleep.

It Is Not Time for Sleeping by Lisa Graff

It Is Not Time for SleepingThis was much better than the last picture book I just read. It's about a boy who's getting ready to put the day behind him but not just yet, since it's not time for sleeping. The story is repetitive and simple, perfect for storytelling to little kids. I'd recommend this for children between ages 4-7. I didn't find it to be toddler friendly. The art was okay, the highlight being the dad with blue glasses. I would have like the art to be more clean cut.

New Suicide Squad Vol 2: Monsters by Sean Ryan

New Suicide Squad, Volume 2: MonstersThis volume focused on the main members of the group and I was glad for it. I loved learning more about characters that I only know by name. Mantis is just looking for purpose and structure in his life, Harley Quinn is trying to figure out if she's psychotic or not, and Reverse-Flash is looking to redeem himself. The story kinda gets muddled but I really enjoyed it. I'm less invested in Amanda Waller's dilemma. I hope I come to care about it in the next book.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)Going back on rereading this series is gonna take some time. Especially because I'm listening to them on my phone and the wait list for each book is extremely long. The first book is kinda boring and drawn out but it's still Harry Potter so... it's still pretty awesome. I loved the voice actor and his voices for the characters, except for Hermione. That nasally pitch made me dislike her when she's actually my favorite character. Hopefully it'll get better with each book. The reveal of the villain and Voldemort's possible return gave me chills. Listening to his voice made me anxious.

Douglass' Women by Jewell Parker Rhodes

Douglass' Women: A NovelThis book completely shred my emotions all up. Rhodes did a great job bringing these two women to life. Anna and Ottilie both love Frederick Douglass but both are unsure of his love for them. I related more to Anna in every way. She was overlooked, underappreciated, and unloved by the only man she'd ever loved. I found Ottilie to be too selfish to feel sympathy for. The novel barely felt like historical fiction so I'd recommend this to any fiction lover. It'll make you feel things, mostly hatred towards the famous, great Douglass.

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