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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Waiting for Fall

Though it is technically still summer (and hot as hell), I am in full autumn mode. I am so eager to see the leaves change colors and for the weather to drop and I can rock my librarian sweaters again without sweating profusely. For pumpkin spice fever to take hold and annoy everyone once more. I'm more of a sweet potato pie kinda person but to each their own. Either way, I am looking forward to curling up with a good book under my covers with the heat cranking in my little bedroom. Some hot chocolate or mead will definitely be sipped on and fuzzy socks will be worn.

Baba Yaga's Assistant by Marika McCoola
A children's graphic novel

Baba Yaga's Assistant     The art is definitely the high point of this children's graphic novel. It was both endearing and creepy. I love the dialogue boxes and font. It gave the book a playful vibe. The story was lacking depth, even for its intended younger audience. The angst of the main character didn't feel deserved and the resolution did not give me any satisfaction.

     I picked this book up on a whim, mostly for the cover and I'm glad I read it. It's a one day read that didn't completely waste my time. But I just wish it were better.

The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chohski
A young adult fantasy novel

The Star-Touched Queen (The Star-Touched Queen, #1)     Finally finished this and and I hate to say that I was disappointed. The characters were well enough developed and the fantasy parts were great to read. But the heroine failed to make me care for her. I was definitely on her side in the beginning but once she's married to Amar, I found her unlikable. All of the issues she faces are her own fault. 

     The synopsis for the second book sounds to good to pass up though, so I'll be reading that one when it's released. I just hope it's way better than this book was.

Soul Eater Vol 8 by Atsushi Ohkubo
8th volume of the graphic novel series

Soul Eater, Vol. 08 (Soul Eater, #8)     I was hoping for a bit more action in this book but I'm still very pleased with it. The fight scenes with Kid and his guns were awesome. The little seed of doubt towards his father will definitely come back up again. And poor Crona can't seem to catch a break. Once it seems like they're getting settled, Medusa rears her big ugly head and messes it all up. I hope Crona will decide not to spy for her. She needs to die, for real this time.

All American Boys by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely
The One Maryland One book choice for 2016
A young adult novel about police brutality towards black people

All American Boys

     Here we are, sooner than I would have expected. Lately I've been dragging my feet with reading full length novels but I quickly tore through this book in just one day. And what a day it was. To read about Rashad's attack by a police officer from his POV made me uncomfortable, which I'm sure was the goal. You feel like you're right there with him, getting hit over and over again without a valid reason why. Then it immediately switches to a bystanders POV which is just as unsettling. This whole book is one huge sore that you can't help but pick at. I know that's a horrible simile but it's the only way I can describe it.

     Rashad and Quinn are the voices of this story, two kids that go to the same school but are worlds apart. One is assaulted to the point of having internal bleeding and the other struggles with what he saw and who he saw committing the attack. It such a captivating read from the very first page. The flow between the two authors never skipped a beat. It was clear that they have different writing styles but they never clashed, only meshed. The last chapters which was written in prose was the perfect ending to the story. These two characters finally connect and see that having your voice heard in a positive way can make a difference, even if it's only within yourself.

     I will definitely recommend this to anyone who's not afraid or wary to shy away from tough topics. All readers 10 and up should read this. It's real and it's completely relevant to the world we live in today.

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